Vocal Liberation, Chanting and Mantra with Jeremy de Tolly

Have you ever gone to a yoga class and have feared chanting Om? If your answer is "yes" - you are not the only one! In this episode, we invited Jeremy de Tolly on to the podcast to share his work as a vocal empowerment coach. Through our discussion we explore identifying vocal blockages, trauma as well as how you can start a vocal practice at home.

Vocal Liberation is a step by step process through which to transform your voice into your greatest asset. Meet and release your core wounds and energetic blocks around self-expression and build a voice you love from deep foundations of yogic breath, body awareness, tension release and play.


Music produced by Dan Schultz https://soundcloud.com/itsdanschultz / dan@fragmentsdc.com. Vocals: Tarryn James

Tarryn ThomsonComment