Kim van Niekerk

Ayurvedic Consultations - Online and Retreats.

Disease prevention and management - using nature and self 

Eastern Cape Midlands

Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth, East London , Kenton on sea

Website | Email | Instagram | Facebook


I live in nature on a farm in the Eastern Cape -have been involved with food as your medicine for over 35 years now. I have many years experience in optimal health practices and personalised choices. I am passionate about food, recipe development, personalised health journey, gardening, herbs, yoga and Ayurveda. and overall disease prevention through our choices we can make. I enjoy people and have a background in psychology, teaching , environmental sciences and nature studies. I love personal engagement, helping people on health journeys and offering retreat spaces for personal growth and introspection. I believe nature has the answers and nature knows - and we are nature if we align with it and take time to pause.


  • Ayurvedic councillor - studied with Laura Plumb AIN 1 and 2 

  • 200 hr Hatha and Ashtanga yoga teacher - India at Varkala with Vrinda School of Yoga 

  • Ayurvedic yoga facilitator - studied in India with Dr Vinod Rishikesh 100 hour 

  • Ayurvedic chef - over 35 years of cooking with food as your medicine - disease mitigation and management through food experience ( backed by Laura Plumb ) 

  • YVI - further studying Ayurvedic councillor including working with herbs, Dr Khasala, 

  • Gastromic gardener - offering food gardening for health online info and 1-1 calls