Stefanie Jacobs


Cape Town & Online

Power Yoga, Vinyasa, Yin Yoga

Online (remotely via Zoom, Whatsapp, Google Hangouts)

Email | Instagram

082 738 4595


RYT ® 200 with Yoga Alliance (Yoga & Ayurveda Center’s 200 Hour YTT Program)


Stefanie discovered yoga many years ago but could never find peace as she always felt she had to be ‘doing’ something. Meditation and Savasana were concepts she was afraid of. About 4 years ago, Stefanie went through a conscious life ‘reset’ that included embracing certain losses, fears, and anxieties that she carried with her for most of my life. Part of this reset included finding a physical and mental outlet that did not include running (literally and figuratively). 

She started attending yoga regularly at a studio close to her home in Cape Town, South Africa. It was divine intervention that at around the same time, Stefanie was introduced to Ayurveda, Pranayama and Sudarshan Kriya. “The simple art of breathing changed me as a person and my life. Somehow everything started to fit.”

At the end of 2019, Stefanie was retrenched from her corporate job. Having had the idea to teach yoga in the back of her mind for about a year, she finally took the plunge and signed up. The training inspired the realization of the infinite world of possibilities that yoga and teaching yoga can open. A big part of who Stefanie is, is how to be of service to society, how to give back. Through teaching yoga, she has found that place. 

”For me, yoga is about the balance between strength and flexibility; movement and stillness; and breath. 
My classes are of a vinyasa nature that combine strength and mobility, and you can expect to flow, get the heart going, and breathe. I also offer restorative yoga classes which tap into the parasympathetic nervous system with the aim to restore and relax the body. Private, group and corporate classes are offered.”