Sadie Burger


Centurion , Sunninghill , Waterfall, Bryanston and Sandton

Hatha, Yin Yoga, Vinyasa

Website | Email | Instagram | YouTube


In 2018, during a time when I was searching for clarity, stillness, and inner peace, I discovered the transformative power of yoga. This practice has since become a steadfast companion in my life, guiding me through profound shifts and helping me explore the depths of my soul's purpose. The journey has been beautiful and beyond imagination, fueled by my commitment to yoga and a willingness to receive its wisdom.

This personal odyssey is one I don't want to keep to myself. I have had the privilege of learning from incredible teachers in Bali and South Africa, and I am eager to share this knowledge with you. My deepest desire is to be a guiding presence, supporting you on your unique soul journey towards inner peace through Private Yoga Classes, Corporate group Classes & Community Classes.


  • 200hr YTT Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa