Jeanette van Wyk


Acro Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Ashtanga, Hatha, Vinyasa

Studios: Yoga Wisdom

Yoga Teacher Trainings

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082 852 9289


 Jeanette's journey started with a humble desire to have more confidence and self-esteem and less fear of judgement. The yoga path opened for her with help of her teachers and the journey has never ended. An expansive space continues to unfold. She has ventured into many different styles of yoga, studies many different yogas, other movement forms and other healing modalities. She always had a strong pull towards healing and ventured into energy healing from the beginning of her yoga career. She has found that her biggest joy is teaching others to move without discomfort and realise the ease of the body and mind.

Every movement made in yoga feels like a return to wholeness, beauty and innocence. Using the body as a mirror to discover the afflictions of the mind. Working with compassion and love towards self we rise towards our true potential in honouring the divine within us.


  • 500-hr teacher training Ishta Yoga School 

  • 40-hr Ashtanga teacher training

  • Ashtanga Training with Sheshadri in Mysore

  • Aerial yoga Teacher Training
    and numerous trainings with local and international teachers.

    Jeanette is also trained in Applied Kinesiology, Theta Healing, Hypnosis Therapy and Muscle Activation