

Yabonga was founded in 1998 by Ulpha Robertson and Ursel Barnes. They started off as an informal initiative to support pre-schools in the poorest communities in Cape Town. This year they will celebrate their 22nd birthday.

Ever since its inception, Yabonga has always reacted and adapted its programmes to the needs of the community, to help directly where help was needed the most. With a clear focus on families infected and affected by HIV/Aids, it built strong relationships with clinics, schools, NGOs and individuals to build a sustainable “circle of support”.

Currently Yabonga employs more than 130 staff members, with at least two thirds of them recruited from the Yabonga HIV programme. Every year, more than 2000 individuals and their families benefit sustainably through supportive relationships with Yabonga 

Yabonga’s vision is to provide a sustainable model of holistic care and support to families and communities affected by HIV, enabling them to live independent, productive, healthy lives.
To achieve this, they build effective partnerships with impoverished families and communities aimed at reducing the impact of HIV through psycho-social support, education and skills development.

More recently the focus of their work has shifted away from solely HIV related services to child and youth development. With a stronger emphasis on education, their Children's Programme provides after-school care to 1000 children and quality pre-school education to 1200 children. The after-school care programme includes academic support, counseling and play therapy, as well as physical well-being.

Find out more about the Childrens’ Programme

Yabonga Children, HIV & AIDS This trailer gives a brief overview of the activities of Yabonga's Educare , Orphans and Vulnerable Children's and Youth Programmes which supports children infected and affected by HIV in the township communities around Cape Town. www. yabonga.com Done by FOX FIRE FILMS in 2011.

Yabonga are in need for volunteers to teach children in Khayelitsha Children's Centre yoga sessions. If you’re interested in offering your time, please contact Yabonga directly.

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Tarryn Thomson