Prana Beach House

Prana Yoga Retreat offers luxurious beach house accommodations, daily yoga sessions, and holistic wellness experiences. Our retreats cater to individuals seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, and connection with nature.

5-star Luxury Meets Beauty And Tranquility

Prana Lodge is defined as eternal life energy and breath. It means “to be well”. The natural surroundings invite our guests to relax and rejuvenate as they reconnect and gain a deeper understanding of the balance between personal wellness and the natural environment.

Beach House Yoga Retreat

Find balance and tranquillity at our 2-night Prana Beach House Yoga Retreat. Enjoy luxury accommodation, daily yoga sessions, and gourmet meals, perfectly blended for a rejuvenating getaway.

Package Includes: Luxury Beach House Accommodation, Daily 1-hour yoga sessions with Liza, our in-house instructor, All Meals,15% discount on all spa treatments (massage, facials, etc.) and Candlelit aromatherapy bubble bath