⭐️ With over a decade of teaching experience, Johnny has a real depth of knowledge to share with the yoga community on his first trip to South Africa. Johnny is an incredibly dedicated student & teacher of the Ashtanga method. He has a depth of knowledge & wisdom to share with our community, and we hope that everyone will take full advantage of the amazing opportunity to learn from him.
🧘🏻♂️ All levels of practitioner are encouraged to join!
🗓 Dates: 27th June - 26th August
⏰ Schedule:
Mon-Fri (Mysore Method*) 6:00-8:30AM
Sat (Led Primary Series) 7:00-8:30AM
*[students receive individual guidance within the group setting, so arrive at your convenience any time before 7:30]
Curious about starting Ashtanga yoga? Get in touch with us for a chat to see if this is the right practice for you: info@mysoreyogacapetown.com