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Nutritional Reset with humanWaking

Welcome to the new you! This is not only how you could be, this is how you should be.

You have just woken up. You feel full of energy. Your mind is clear. You get up, have a delicious healthy breakfast and, throughout the day, your energy is balanced, your mood is stable, you’re mentally sharp and your concentration is good. You haven’t had energy dips, become irritable or experienced a single craving. You feel on top of your life. But that’s just the inside story. You look good, your weight is more or less where you want it to be. You’re well-toned and your skin has a healthy glow. People often comment on how well you are looking. And you feel good physically and mentally. And this is how you feel every day!

Depending on your perspective, we are in one of the most exciting times to be alive. I don’t say this lightly, however, we have found ourselves in an extraordinarily magnified experience of all polarities. Again, depending on your perspective and whether you are looking, this is an incredible opportunity to take ownership and responsibility of the one and only thing you can, your health. We cannot change the world and our need to be in control is limited ultimately to what we choose for our self.

This 6 week programme will give you the knowledge and tools to integrate into your everyday life, empowering and inspiring you to be the best version of yourself. You will receive two one sessions, processes to work through, guidance and daily support, recipes as well as 6 live sessions. The sessions include themes on nutrition, shifting habits that no longer serve you, cultivating mindfulness and stillness.

Mandy offers a 20 minute free connect call to meet her and check that it is a good fit.


On completing your full sign up, you will get a date request via email for your first 1:1 coaching session. You can be assured that you have an accountability partner from beginning to end. Go to website to view full itinerary.

Dates: 27 February – 4 March (6 week program meeting once a week) with two one on one sessions to be booked separately

Time: Two meeting time options 10.30am-12pm or 4.30pm - 6pm (GMT+2)

Cost: 8888.00

Meet Mandy

Mandy Myerson lives and breathes the HumanWaking ethos of cultivating a conscious and connected way of life. Her passion is to inspire you to become intimately acquainted with your authentic self through thriving and connecting to tools such as meditation, nutrition, self-awareness, and returning to nature. 

Mandy is a certified Nutritional Health & Transformation Coach and Chopra Institute Meditation Instructor. In 2017, she developed the decadently healthy and super tasty AWAKE superfood snacks. A certified PDC (Permaculture Design Course) practitioner, she activated Co-Create in 2020, a community gardens initiative to empower people to grow food and green urban environments. 

From an early age, Mandy has explored the constructs of inner development. Her journey has included a 4.5-year Red Road training, 100-hours of Vipassana, receiving the Munay Ki rites, qualifying in the Ho'Oponopono practice, and practicing meditation for over 30 years.