Yoga South Africa

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Sound Journey Magic with Sound Wave Energy

There is true magic in those moments where you feel so fully relaxed. This Sound Journey was one of those moments.

It was a cool Saturday morning with light rainfall, the environment already started to whisper “its time to rest”. As I walked through the lush fynbos at Suikerbossie, Kristy Snyman invited us in to Yoga | Body Fit Sanctuary which would be our safe space for the next 90 minutes.

Kristy’s fascination with vibrational medicine and the crystal singing bowls led her to sound healing as a modality with the Sound Healing Academy. Her passion for the transformative power of sound was evident from the beginning.

The workshop began with an intention setting and meditation, where a harmony ball was used to clear the aura for each attendee. After full grounding into the space, we lay down (snuggled up with blankets and pillows) for a 60 minute journey through sound.

From Crystal Singing Bowls and Rainsticks, to Koshi Chimes and Gongs - this sound journey offered it all! A pleasant surprise was when the Monochord was introduced. This ancient stringed instrument feels like a sonic massage and when combined with Kristy singing chants - was absolutely dreamlike!

Kristy’s Sound Journey really offers a space, not only to deeply relax, but also to heal on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

There is no other way to describe the workshop, other than to recommend you dive into the experience yourself. If you are in need of relaxation, community, healing, connection… or even just curious about Sound Journey - be sure to check out Sound Wave Energy for their upcoming workshops in Cape Town!